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Preparing to crash and burn


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I've installed tons of mods, am loading 7 ugrids, have added iLargeIntRefCount=999999 to my Skyrim.ini to avoid the crash when approaching Riverwood, and have done pretty much everything I can to have the ultimate Skyrim experience. However, my first attempt to start a new game was met with frequent crashes. In the past 24 hours several of the mods I use have released updates for the latest version of Skyrim, so I am willing to try again. If anyone can find conflicts between my mods or mods known to decrease stability, that would be great. I'd much rather find out mod X causes crashes now than 40 hours into the game, when removing it may cause even more problems. Please ask me questions and point out flaws with my plan.


Load Order



00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  SkyMoMod.esm
03  JSwords.esm
04  ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
05  ApachiiHair.esm
06  HighResTexturePack01.esp
07  HighResTexturePack02.esp
08  Shadow Striping Fix.esp
09  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 1.1]
0A  HighResTexturePackFix.esp
0B  Realistic Lighting - Addon.esp
0C  Realistic Lighting.esp
0D  Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp
0E  ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons&Interiors.esp
0F  ClimatesOfTamriel-VanillaNights-Lvl-3.esp
10  StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
11  dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
12  UnlimitedBookshelves.esp
++  SkyMoMod_lists.esp
13  Auto Unequip Arrows.esp
14  BlackSacramentArmor.esp
15  Cloaks.esp
16  isilNarsil.esp
17  JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp
18  Magicka Sabers.esp
19  SamuraiArmor.esp
1A  LevelersTower.esp
1B  Masters of Death.esp
1C  Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp
1D  Better Dynamic Snow.esp
1E  posesivecorpses.esp
++  SameWalkRunSpeedsLite.esp
1F  SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp
20  Spells Cast Light.esp
21  torches for realistic lighting.esp
22  SkyrimSpeeds.esp
23  DeadlySpellImpacts.esp
24  UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
25  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 2.1.1]
26  WATER.esp
27  WATER - Get Wet.esp
28  dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp
29  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
2A  EzEWorldMap.esp
2B  Better Vampires - No DawnGuard.esp






++ 000 - Unofficial_Skyrim_Patch_1_1_Loose_Files_Version-19-1-1.7z (F8B33153) (Installed)
++ 001 - HD DLC Tweaks.7z (EB1CE556) (Installed)
++ 002 - HD_Texture_DLC_Fix_v1_3b-8236-1-3b.7z (2E473A61) (Installed)
++ 003 - Acquisitive_Soul_Gems_-_2_1-5312-2-1.rar (96C7AD1F) (Installed)
++ 004 - Apachii SkyHair v1.4.7z (D2A204BE) (Installed)
++ 005 - Auto_Unequip_Arrows_v3_0-10753.zip (7878001C) (Installed)
++ 010 - Cloaks_of_Skyrim_dot9-12092-0-9.7z (A3AC21B9) (Installed)
++ 012 - Dual-Wielding Animations.7z (F1640743) (Installed)
++ 013 - EzEWorldMap.7z (27944443) (Installed)
++ 014 - Finer Dust.7z (0FEC7502) (Installed)
++ 015 - Glowing Ore Veins 300 2.7z (913E56D7) (Installed)
++ 016 - Immersive Skyrim Thunder v5.7z (EABE6B80) (Installed)
++ 017 - JaySuS_Swords_V13C-1002-13C.7z (B2C3E077) (Installed)
++ 018 - JaySuS_Swords_V13C_to_V13D_Update-1002-13D.7z (22319CCF) (Installed)
++ 019 - No Ice Wraith Piles.7z (3A643F3D) (Installed)
++ 020 - No Smoke.7z (0F3C12C5) (Installed)
++ 021 - Possessive Corpses 1.8.7z (0F0C3D77) (Installed)
++ 023 - Realistic Smoke and Embers 1.4.7z (3EA4A915) (Installed)
++ 024 - Same Walk and Run Speeds Lite.7z (620CA112) (Installed)
++ 027 - Shadow Striping Fix.7z (E2700684) (Installed)
++ 029 - Skyrim Speeds.7z (EEBF60CB) (Installed)
++ 030 - SKYUI 2.2.7z (EEFE468B) (Installed)
++ 031 - Sounds of Nature Fire.7z (62A7DDEB) (Installed)
++ 032 - Sounds of Nature Water.7z (D135B86F) (Installed)
++ 033 - Spells_Will_Give_Off_Light_v4-8479-4-0.zip (685CD09B) (Installed)
++ 035 - torches for realistic lighting.7z (1E87A378) (Installed)
++ 036 - UFO_-_Ultimate_Follower_Overhaul-14037-1-2f.rar (E7B7C08A) (Installed)
++ 037 - Unlimited Bookshelves 1.7.7z (8C18CA29) (Installed)
++ 038 - LOTR_Weapons_by_Isilmeriel_V3-5727-3-0.7z (67FF1ECD) (Installed)
++ 039 - Magicka Sabers 3.7z (69523594) (Installed)
++ 040 - Magicka Sabers Hilt Replacer.7z (818964A8) (Installed)
++ 041 - Main_Menu_Spinning_Skyrim_Emblem_Slow_Speed-7801-1-01.7z (F0978A70) (Installed)
++ 043 - Nightingale Prime 1896.7z (8F234771) (Installed)
++ 044 - HQ3D Map Meshes.7z (DAB5D471) (Installed)
++ 045 - HQ3D MAp Textures 2.7z (D9AA5BE1) (Installed)
++ 046 - HQ3D Map Textures.7z (695B861C) (Installed)
++ 047 - Improved Torches.7z (6E0B78BA) (Installed)
++ 048 - Mystic Elven Armor Replacer.7z (0A557C48) (Installed)
++ 049 - Mystic Elven Weapons Replacer.7z (9EE50A7F) (Installed)
++ 051 - Stuff.7z (422E60F4) (Installed)
++ 052 - Tribal Might Armor 1.2.7z (1C72B7AF) (Installed)
++ 053 - Sharpened Weapon Models.7z (54C7147F) (Installed)
++ 054 - BS Daedric Weapons.7z (D3BE7572) (Installed)
++ 055 - BS Legendary Weapons.7z (F28D9F73) (Installed)
++ 056 - Akaviri Samurai Armor.7z (80B094DA) (Installed)
++ 057 - Banners.7z (8D9DB3DB) (Installed)
++ 058 - Colorful Dragons 3 HD (8FFEAD24) (Installed)
++ 059 - Better_Beast_Races-2_00-944-2-0.7z (1F150227) (Installed)
++ 060 - Cover Khajiits Female.7z (8E9A2FD3) (Installed)
++ 061 - Cover Khajiits Male.7z (FB6385BC) (Installed)
++ 062 - Daedric Reborn 1.2.7z (340F7CF7) (Installed)
++ 063 - Daedric Runes.7z (52777C03) (Installed)
++ 064 - Deadly Spell Impacts.7z (5F3134C1) (Installed)
++ 065 - Ebony Redone v2.7z (038211EA) (Installed)
++ 066 - HAR 1.7a.7z (20859722) (Installed)
++ 067 - HD Steel Armor.7z (B7D80FE5) (Installed)
++ 068 - HD_Linens-2979-1-0.zip (1470FF66) (Installed)
++ 069 - XCE 1.13.7z (30210026) (Installed)
++ 070 - Better Dynamic Snow 2.12.7z (7E56B18E) (Installed)
++ 072 - CBBE v3.7z (8798734F) (Installed)
++ 073 - Daedric v1.7z (80E65EFE) (Installed)
++ 074 - Daedric v2.5.7z (5D6D985E) (Installed)
++ 075 - CBBE Daedric v3b.7z (8D96D046) (Installed)
++ 076 - CBBE Imperial Armor.7z (073D1DAE) (Installed)
++ 077 - CBBE Vanilla Armor.7z (8F59ED72) (Installed)
++ 078 - HiRes Heavy Imperial.7z (177A8685) (Installed)
++ 079 - Alternate Start v2.1.1.7z (1CF76D03) (Installed)
++ 080 - Climates_Of_Tamriel_-_Full_Version_-_Loose_Files-17802-v1-1b.rar (C69D8ADE) (Installed)
++ 081 - SkyTEST_-_Realistic_Animals_and_Predators_v1_26_Full-10175-1-26.7z (DC769440) (Installed)
++ 082 - Assassin's Creed Archmage Robes.7z (7C209F0B) (Installed)
++ 083 - Assassin's Creed Robes.7z (69656BA7) (Installed)
++ 084 - Vurt's Flora Overhaul.7z (3A2000A5) (Installed)
++ 085 - TPC.7z (25365E82) (Installed)
++ 086 - StaticMeshImprovementMod.7z (7985AB43) (Installed)
++ 087 - WATER_-_1_5-13268-1-5.7z (7C6967FA) (Installed)
++ 088 - Masters of Death.7z (590EC5BD) (Installed)
++ 089 - Better Vampires.7z (A75DD39F) (Installed)
++ 091 - Enhanced Blood Textures.7z (B182981C) (Installed)
++ 092 - LevelersTowerV26Resources-14152-2-6.7z (D5E151AA) (Installed)
++ 093 - SkyMoMod Loadscreen Replacers.7z (4053372C) (Installed)
++ 094 - SkyMoMod.7z (2A6FC9D6) (Installed)
++ 096 - dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.7z (4494485A) (Installed)
++ 097 - Black_Sacrament_Armor_V4-1_-_High_Def-5696-4-1.7z (0934BDC5) (Installed)
098 - ==Last==


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