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Jewelry stores?


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I was surprised when I searched the building mods and didn't find someone who had already made this simple idea a reality.


I'm a mega thief when it comes to Oblivion and the first time I found out there was a jewelry store in the Imperial City I just knew I had to hiest it.

As I picked ever dificult lock, I had fun stealing from the rich to give to myslef! And it was even fun to need to pick pocket the store owner to get into a few of the display cases to make off with the valuebles.


And when I stole everything I left there with such a feeling of accomplishment! But it didn't last long, because sadly I learned that the store never... updated its merchandise after my robbery.


So I thought, "Why not put a jewelry store in every town? If not just one more to rob like in Anvil or something?" And heck get creative without and add extra valueble merchandise behind extra hard locks, or even traps!


Anyone up to this idea? Please?

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wow its almost been a day... I thought by now someone would have posted saying "You did it wrong" or something like that.


Does anyone still check this forum?

Well there are plenty of places to rob, and a variety of different kinds of shop mods you can download. In order to make a mod, a modder has to take an interest in the idea. A franchise? I'm not so sure if that's really necessary, considering the variety of shops available to add to your game...


You've put up the idea so someone may take an interest, or if you really want it, you could download the CS and start experimenting.

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