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Cannot Continue Civil War Quest


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I have become stuck in the middle of the civil war quest!

I have sided with the storm cloaks and have just become thane of Windhelm. But now, every time I go to Ulfric he says. "We're ready to launch our attack on solitude, but the emperor's cousin is getting married! We can't risk attacking now. So we'll bide our time." I know that this is connected to the Dark Brotherhood Quest line and I had to use a CMD to finish that quest (Bound Until Death). But I can tell you it is 100% Finished.

Please, if you know how to fix this please let me know.


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I had to use a CMD to finish that quest

That is likely what broke it. The quest may be finished, but by being completed through the console some flags may not have been cleared properly. There are also several DB quests which come after this point that you may need to finish before you can continue the civil war quest.


Your best bet is to restore from a save before you used the console to bypass this quest.


And moved to the proper section.

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