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Scripting & other Questions


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Is it possible to make a script for a object that casts a spell at creatures when you drop it from your inventory without any other activation other than the drop? If so what commands would you suggest I use to make that work correctly? On another note is there an easy way to find the object reference id of something in the construction set? While I'm asking questions how do you go about changing the color of weapons and armor?
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This should fill you in on all the basics;CS wiki


As for the programs you'll need;

Construction Set for the basics like editing armors, moving things around in the game, quest making etc.


For modelling you'll need to get a 3d program like 3DS Max/Maya/Blender(free)


For texturing any kind of photoeditor will work, photoshop/paint shop pro etc. There are lots to choose from.


You'll also need Nifskope and DDS Converter


I might've forgotten something, but someone will mention if I did.


As for the script, I'm not sure if it's possible, it most likely would need an activation after dropping to the ground. This is in the wrong forum also, general mod talk is more fitting for topics of this kind. Reporting this for a move. CS wiki contains most of the info you need.

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I'm sorry, but could you please give me some more details than that? If I could have found the info I need in the cs wiki I wouldn't have bothered making the thread. Could you at the very least post a link to a retexturing tutorial. For some reason I have a hard time finding useful info in the cs wiki. I had no clue which forum to put this in, I noticed the thread you posted your quote from and I figured since it was in this forum this is where this topic should go.
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