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Serana eyes, need some help!


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I got back into Skyrim once Dawnguard came out for PC. I had all of my mods still activated, but I don't know which mod is making Serana's eyes look like this.


Is it the XCE dawnguard? Bella's better females? Idk. Also would it be possible to have those eyes or atleast something close to them for an Ashen (Custom Race)


I can show a picture of my mod list if needed

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This looks like a texture issue, try uninstalling anything that would actually effect NPC's in the Dawnguard DLC and see if that helps, I my self have not ran into this issue, and I also am using the XCE dawnguard mod.
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Oh I mean I actually like her eyes. I guess just personal preference right there, but I think it is using the XCE dawnguard then has a red background. If thats the case could it be a mod that is making the background of the eye red? =/


EDIT: Oh! and also that high elf in the background has the same eyes. Just them 2 though, so any ideas there? It seems everyone in the castle has different style of eyes. It is kind of neat in my opinion :tongue:


2nd EDIT: Also if it is the case of a red background and a orange pupil, would there be a way to have that for a custom race?

Edited by xGarfazzx
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