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So I wanted to make a transporter like in the new vegas dlc old world blues but cant seem to figure it out, already have the markers set up just need to know how to re-model the script

My REFs are HomeMarkerREF and HMarkerREF. if someone can figure it out cause i stink at scripting, they will get to use my mod first.



scn NVDLC03WeapTeleporterSCRIPT


; Transports the player between the Mojave Wasteland and the Sink.

; JSH 01/17/11

; JSH 03/01/11 - Turned Mojave radio stations on/off.

; OMP 03/09/2011 - Prevent the player from using the weapon in VATS, displaying the "can't use in combat" message to alert the player.

; TLS 05/05/2011 - Removed Achievements as we're changing what they are and when they get assigned.



Short bInMojave ; 0 = Player is at the Big Empty, 1 = Player is in the Mojave

Short bChallengesUpdated ; Increment challenges upon first exit of Big MT only.


Ref rCountryRadio ; Variable holder for vCountryRadio.





; Country Radio TA has no assigned REF name, so do this instead.

Set rCountryRadio to NVDLC03CountryRadioMarkerREF.GetLinkedRef;


; Big MT to Mojave.

If ( bInMojave == 0 )


If ( Player.IsInInterior == 1 ) ; Player is in an interior - no teleport allowed.

ShowMessage NVDLC03TeleporterInInteriorMsg;

ElseIf ( Player.IsInCombat == 1 ) || ( GetVATSMode != 0 ) ; Player is in combat - no teleport allowed.

ShowMessage NVDLC03TeleporterInCombatMsg;



; Turn on Mojave radio stations.





Set bInMojave to 1;

Player.MoveTo MojaveDriveInMarkerHeadingREF;


; Resume NCR/Legion reaction quests.

StartQuest VEFR01LegionGood2CaesarsFavor;

StartQuest VEFR00LegionMix2CaesarsHire;

StartQuest VEFR02LegionBad2CaesarsFoe;

StartQuest VEFR00NCRMixed2LimitedAccess;

StartQuest VEFR02NCRBad2MostWanted;


PlaySound NVDLC03FXTeleporter





; Mojave to Big MT.



If ( Player.IsInInterior == 1 ) ; Player is in an interior - no teleport allowed.

ShowMessage NVDLC03TeleporterInInteriorMsg;

ElseIf ( Player.GetEquipped HVExplosiveCollar == 1 ) ; Hidden Valley Explosive Collar.

ShowMessage MQ05CantUseNowMessage;

ElseIf ( Player.IsInCombat == 1) || ( GetVATSMode != 0 ) ; Player is in combat - no teleport allowed.

ShowMessage NVDLC03TeleporterInCombatMsg;

ElseIf ( Player.GetInWorldspace WastelandNV == 0 ) || ( VHDBattleController.iBattleState > 0 ) || ( IsPlayerInRegion MapHooverDam == 1 ) || ( IsPlayerInRegion VMapHiddenValleyRegion == 1 ) || ( IsPlayerInRegion VMapTheFortRegion == 1 ) || ( IsPlayerInRegion vMapNellisAFBRegion == 1 )

ShowMessage NVDLC03TeleporterNotMojaveMsg;

ElseIf ( VNPCFollowers.bHumanoidInParty == 1 ) || ( VNPCFollowers.bCritterInParty == 1 )

ShowMessage NVDLC03TeleporterNoCompanionsMsg;



Set bInMojave to 0;

Player.MoveTo NVDLC03SinkArrivalMarker;


; Stop NCR/Legion reaction quests. ; Stopped here and started in script: "NVDLC02MojaveDoorSCRIPT"

StopQuest VEFR01LegionGood2CaesarsFavor;

StopQuest VEFR00LegionMix2CaesarsHire;

StopQuest VEFR02LegionBad2CaesarsFoe;

;StopQuest VEFR01NCRGood2EmergencyRadio; ; [NOTE: This quest is NOT stopped (i.e. commented-out) on purpose (but included for tracking).]

StopQuest VEFR00NCRMixed2LimitedAccess;

StopQuest VEFR02NCRBad2MostWanted;


PlaySound NVDLC03FXTeleporter


; Turn off Mojave radio stations.










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Please put script inside code blocks, it's difficult to read as is. Anyhow, since you've provided no context for your transporter I'm assuming both markers are in the Mojave worldspace and that you don't care about the constraints that the transportalponder script checks for. Here is the basic script:


scn myOwnTransporterSCRIPT

; Assume player is at HomeMarkerREF when they first activate it.
short myLocation ; 0 = player is at HomeMarkerREF, 1 = player is at HMarkerREF

If ( myLocation == 0 )
	Set myLocation to 1
	Player.MoveTo HMarkerREF
	Set myLocation to 0
	Player.MoveTo HomeMarkerREF


Anything fancier than that is a good opportunity to visit the G.E.C.K. Wiki and learn more about scripting.

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Please put script inside code blocks, it's difficult to read as is. Anyhow, since you've provided no context for your transporter I'm assuming both markers are in the Mojave worldspace and that you don't care about the constraints that the transportalponder script checks for. Here is the basic script:


scn myOwnTransporterSCRIPT

; Assume player is at HomeMarkerREF when they first activate it.
short myLocation ; 0 = player is at HomeMarkerREF, 1 = player is at HMarkerREF

If ( myLocation == 0 )
	Set myLocation to 1
	Player.MoveTo HMarkerREF
	Set myLocation to 0
	Player.MoveTo HomeMarkerREF


Anything fancier than that is a good opportunity to visit the G.E.C.K. Wiki and learn more about scripting.



Tanks and i will try to figure out how to do the code blocks, still new

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