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Generating LOD in Skyrim world space

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Hi all long time no see. Anyway I'm trying to create an island north of Dawnstar and in order to make the island large enough I had to remove a bunch of large ice objects in the area. Problem is I cant seem to generate new LOD for the island or get rid of the old LOD. I've tried using the LOD tools within CK 2.0 but as usual that's failed to work for me.


I have a job that keeps me extremely busy so I don't have the time to try and figure this out on my own so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm wondering if with the new tools "xLODGen" it might just be easier to create a custom world space. But I've gone down that path many times and it's never worked out for me lol. Anyway using xLODGen I managed to update the LOD in the tamrial world space but I still haven't been able to get the distant land LOD to work. So if anyone knows anyway to update the land LOD I would appreciate the help thanks.

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LOL the Skyrim CK 2.0 LOD generation tool is a frusterating joke. It's even worse in the new version of the CK. Luckily theirs a few new tools that came out to help out with LOD generation in Skyrim SE. I was just hoping someone could point me in the direction of a tool I could use to generate distant land LOD.


Oh and no I haven't tried dyndolod I'll have to check it out and see if it can help me. Thanks.

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