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"De-lucking" the casino games


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I've played more than enough games in the casinos to see that the luck attribute is really what matters, and sometimes to extremely (in my opinion) ridiculous degrees. A 10 luck means you just win and win and win at blackjack, barely even have to pay attention, while a low luck and I might as well just hand the computer player a deck of win. ;) Is there any way to remove the luck attribute's affects from the casino games? I'd really like to just play a straight game of blackjack, and win on whether or not I'm good, and not just lose or win because my character had a good or bad stat. Any ideas here? Yeah, I've run quite a few mod searches, hopefully I didn't miss an already existing mod.


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I wonder if I asked in the wrong forum?

oK, maybe I'll try to simplify: I'm just wondering if it's possible to mod the effect of the luck stat on blackjack. If it's impossible, I can move on, but if it's possible, I'll keep researching.

Anyone? ;)


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How about do the opposite? Alter the script that opens the blackjack menu (Whatever it is) and have it force you luck to 5 before you enter and back to whatever it was on exit? (Or set your luck to whatever you want the difficulty level/house odds to be)
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How about do the opposite? Alter the script that opens the blackjack menu (Whatever it is) and have it force you luck to 5 before you enter and back to whatever it was on exit? (Or set your luck to whatever you want the difficulty level/house odds to be)

Hey that's an interesting idea! ;)

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How about do the opposite? Alter the script that opens the blackjack menu (Whatever it is) and have it force you luck to 5 before you enter and back to whatever it was on exit? (Or set your luck to whatever you want the difficulty level/house odds to be)

Hey that's an interesting idea! ;)


Maybe with those 'No banned from casino mods' have it gradualy lower your luck instead of banning you, once you win too much.

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How about do the opposite? Alter the script that opens the blackjack menu (Whatever it is) and have it force you luck to 5 before you enter and back to whatever it was on exit? (Or set your luck to whatever you want the difficulty level/house odds to be)

Hey that's an interesting idea! ;)


Maybe with those 'No banned from casino mods' have it gradualy lower your luck instead of banning you, once you win too much.


It seems that if the odds in the games can be made equivalent to real life, then there shouldn't need to be bans for winning too much. I doubt many people can make infinite money in real casino blackjack, and if they can in new vegas, the luck factor isn't at "even odds," I'd guess.

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