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Problem with OOO


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I have OOO and a few other mods installed, and the HP has been increasing incorrectly each level. I started a new character after I installed OOO.


Level 1 2 3 4 5 6

End. 45 50 55 60 65 70

HP 67 80 92 105 119 134


I have oblivion 5th anniversary edition box (oblivion, shivering isles & knights of the nine)

Mods: OOO, Qarls textures, Roberts better bodies (male & female), Slofs better bodies, the three unofficial patches, Darnified UI, Enhanced Water v2.0 HD & Better cities

I run Oblivion using OBSE 0020.

I installed Better cities when I was level 3 so it that mod is not the cause.

Has any body come across this before?

Edited by manzano1970
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