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Adding more/new grasses/plants?


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Any idea how to do this? I've added a few more grass and flower .nifs (Object Window, Grass). Now, how do i attach them to the different landscape textures (because i guess that's what you're supposed to do)?


The idea is to have a much more varied landscape with maybe 5 different flower types, 4-5 or so green grasses, 2-3 new dead grasses, and definetely more varieties of assorted plants.


Any help would be great, thx.

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Make a duplicate of the landscape texture and rename it.


Double click the new landscape texure and in the window that appears, you will see the grasses that are used with the texture. You can delete these by right click > Delete or just leave them. To add your new grasses, leave the box open and select World Objects > Grass in the Object window. Drag your new grass into the box on the left.


You may have to play around with the density of the new grass as well. This can be done by double clicking the grass (in the object window) and playing around with the density and position range values.

Edited by Tamb0
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is that in landscaping mode or where am i supposed to double click the texture? I copied and renamed a texture in Data\Textures\landscape but it doesnt seem to show up in landscaping mode. double clicking any texture there doesnt seem to do anything. Edited by vurt
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You double click the new texture in the object window and add the new grass.


To actually use/see it, you have to enter landscaping mode and select the new texture. Then you can paint the new texture onto the landscape with the righ mouse button. The new grasses will be painted onto the landscape, along with the texture.

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Thanks.. I added a new grass variety to an existing texture, it doesnt show up though. The other grasses are in 3 places, "Grass", "Landscape" and in a second "Grass" while mine is only in the first "Grass", not sure what it means and if it needs to be in the other two for it to work.
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Just click World Objects > Grass. That will be fine.


If it's not showing in the CK, make sure you have this in your SkyrimEditor.ini under the [Grass] section -




also, make sure you have these lines in your SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini under the [Grass] section -






see if that helps.


If it's not showing ingame, add







to your Skyrim.ini that's in C:\Users\Your Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\


that should fix things.

Edited by Tamb0
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