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Flora Overhaul is recruiting!


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Creating new textures and 3D models is time consuming enough for me and when it comes to the pure technical side i can honestly say that i lack both patience, skill and interest. So, basicly i'm looking for a technical person to join me and make Skyrim Flora Overhaul even better, together we'll make Skyrim a varied and beautiful place, similar to my Fallout New Vegas Flora Overhaul (well, the idea at least).


You don't need any texturing or modelling skills.What you do need to know:


* You should know your way around in the Creation Kit, for example how to create new LOD's or how to add new grasses etc.

* How to create functioning Skyrim .nifs (from FO:NV .nifs). I make the models and textures, you'll handle the conversion.


PM or email (vurt72 at gmail.com) me if you're interested :)

Edited by vurt
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I hope you get some people interested in helping you with this. I really love your work and think it really improves the atmosphere of the game.


Probably too early for this, but are you intending to shake up your current overhaul to something more expansive?



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That's something i'd like to do yes. I was out in the forest today and it struck me that blueberries for example would be cool to have. They could for example give you improved night vision (which is one of their properties).


But again, i'm not too interested in that type of technicalities myself, that's why i'm looking for a more technical modder to work with.. But on the other hand i might end up just asking in the forums and doing it myself in the end lol

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* How to create functioning Skyrim .nifs (from FO:NV .nifs). I make the models and textures, you'll handle the conversion....

It's illegal to use use/convert the .nif files from other games, unless they are custom made files.

Just thought I'd give you a heads up before your mod gets banned.

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I have no intention of using models other than my own creations, that's why i wrote "I create them" :) It would also be possible to convert flora from my FO:NV, Morrowind and Gothic2 mods. I have thousands of models that i've created over the last 3 years or so, the biggest problem is getting them to the Skyrim .nif format and to get functioning LOD's, something which i have no experience with. Edited by vurt
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