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Interior Cells are messed up.


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I've had a problem for a long while now where some Interior cell keep disappearing & reappearing. It happens with Diamond City whenever I use DC Expansions, or the Museum of Freedom whenever I use mods that alter it. I've tried to find a fix, but I haven't found one yet besides redoing my load order. If anyone has another solution, I'd be grateful.

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1) Load the mod in the CK (if it has a .esp master, the CK will break it, so watch out for that).

2) Load up the cell in question into the render window

3) World* -> Precombine Geometry for current cell

4) Visibility* -> Generate Precombined Visiblity for current cell

5) Save and exit the CK.


You can pack the generated files into a .ba2 if you want, but they won't be needed if you are just using the fix for yourself. If you are uploading it as a fix, you definitely want to pack it. The files in question will be a .uvd file with the cell formID in the Vis folder** and the .nif files starting with the relevant Cell formID in the Meshes\PreCombined folder** (if it is a mod/DLC added cell, it will be in a folder with the plugin name, inside the Precombined folder). If you want more information on the system, check out this thread. It is the most complete collection of what we as a community know about precombineds (and to a lesser extent, previs).


*These are the tabs at the top

**These are in your data folder

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