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fishing mod question


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Hi there to all of u :)


I have a question about fishing.


My question is whether it is possible to make a mod with a real fishing rod?


So that we can fish in every pool in skyrim, but not swim for a fish, but with a fishing rod:)


First of al it would be more realistic and much more fun to do this, dont know if it is posible so just asking:)


I've seen professional that made new nature, or even entire buildings, in the game, even with the alteredbeginning when u start the game has bin changed just unbelievable.


How some of u guys being so professional with it i cant even understand how it al works:)


So if there is any of u out there that might be interested in wanting to make a fishing with a rod mod.


That would be so appreciated not only for me but for a lot fishing lover's.


It would really cool if this is mod can be made in skyrim :)


In any case, thank you bother to read it here, and it would be even more better if someone would want to make this mod many respect for him/her :))

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  • 2 months later...

Came here to post about a fishing mod. Found this.


I'd absolutely LOVE to get in some casual wear and get out on the shore to score some varying size and breeds of fish.


* Reasonably dynamic system

* Regional Fish

-Rare fish in each region. Even so rare as to belong to a certain pond in some cave.


* Different kinds of rods(maybe of different strength for different sized fish).

- Fly fishing poles for all those trout!

* Gather quests to collect certain types of fish from a certain region and one quest for fish from all regions for the bomb-diggity fishing pole(to catch the biggest kind of fish).

* Fish up relics(Note in a bottle, buried artifacts that lead to quests, etc)


* Recipes for new fish; or just the ability to cut sushi. Salt to preserve the meat for a few days.

* Fishing tournaments(here on the forums with proof of catch)!

* Animations(tip of pole tugs when ya get a bite)

- Standing with the pole

- Sitting ass to ground

- Sitting in a chair with a lore friendly ale holder

- Rearing the pole back when ya get a bite


* Fish Market

- Make fishing profitable

Edited by Erenyx
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