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Interior into exterior!


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Hi, forum I wanted to know if there is any chance to transfer my interior Cell (very Big one) into an exterior world space, without copy and past because I can't get everything copied at once =/ if it's not possible can someone help me with a water problem in my interior Cell because everytime I'm diving too deep, I fall and I m out of the water, I'm using the biggest scaled(not scaled by me) water texture


PLS Help!

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You will need to use copy and paste. Since you can't copy everything at once, you will need to copy and paste portions of your cell and then carefully splice them back together at their final destination. If it is a matter of avoiding architectural tiles seams, perhaps your computer would have enough power to copy and paste all the architectural tiles from your cell at once, and then you could copy and paste the clutter and actors in several stages, since positional relationships between those things don't matter so much.
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