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Realistic Lighting and No Bloom Effect


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Please make me a Realistic Lighting .esp Mod that doesent have Bloom or use Gradiant or Blur and has Vanilla Skyrim Night.

ENB Mods dont work for me and they tend to Remove the Nighteye Effect, but a Mod with a .esp File works great.

I know there are other Realistic Lighting Mods, but they arent Original Made, they are merely Upgraded Versions from an Original Mod.


Sweet FX and ENB Mods tend to leave Bloom or Blur or Radiant Effects or having these Very Dark Night Times where its Incompatible with Mods that Removes them or where they Remove the Vanilla Nighteye,

Edited by daventry
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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure what your asking me to do Daventry, if you want to use that enb you can turn off bloom in the enbseries.ini file and if nights are too dark you can adjust the brightness in the enbeffect.FX file of that particular ENB.


Is that what you want??

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Well People have been telling me Realisitc Lighting Mods with .esp is completely Diffrent then Mods called ENB and ENB cannot use Nighteye.


Im looking for a Realistic Lighting Mod that puts the Files in the Data Folder, instead of the Skyrim Folder.

Edited by daventry
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  • 2 months later...

Settings for ENBseries.ini (0.119):


EnableBloom=true (can be set to false)

EnableAdaptation=false (required due to some glitch)

EnableAmbientOcclusion=false (optional)

EnableDepthOfField=false (optional)

EnableDetailedShadow=false (optional)




I used a mod that enables night vision for other races, and had no problems at all. BTW, what version of ENB you're using?

Edited by sa547
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Since you said you're not using ENB, this sounds more like a glitch or a bad setting somewhere within skyrimprefs.ini or skyrim.ini. Also, are you using other visual effect mods?


Also, it's important to know what version of ENB you're using, that is, the D3D9.dll wrapper file you obtained from the official site, as there are some enbseries.ini settings that have features working only for a particular version (if the setting requires 0.119, for example, the ENB version of the wrapper or injector should be 0.119 as well), but some don't and instead produce visual garbage.

Edited by sa547
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Would seem to be a matter of going through all the game's imagespace and imagespace modifiers and killing off the blur and/or bloom settings. Don't have dawnguard and not very interested in a mod like this in the first place, but just FYI in case you yourself or anyone is willing to attempt this. It's not hard to do, just tedious and it will take a while to go through every single IS system in the game. Edited by acidzebra
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