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Realistic Lighting and No Bloom Effect


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Would seem to be a matter of going through all the game's imagespace and imagespace modifiers and killing off the blur and/or bloom settings. Don't have dawnguard and not very interested in a mod like this in the first place, but just FYI in case you yourself or anyone is willing to attempt this. It's not hard to do, just tedious and it will take a while to go through every single IS system in the game.



easier to do with ENB i think

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again Daventry

I have made my own ENB set up. It doesn't cancel the nigh eye and it doesn't have a lot of other stuff you probably don't want anyway, and uses a lot of other stuff. The question if what is your PC like? Will it be able to handle? PM me I will probably forget about this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

no bloom in skyrim? man man man, its a a hard and damned long time work to create this lighting mod. i personally love the bloom effect in my enb settings. it makes the game brighter and the colors looking beautiful. so i hope you find a guy to create this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To solve the nighteye issue with ENB just make sure that #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION is on. That way it will work.


As for removing those effects entirely, then that would most likely require someone to do some extremely tedious CK work to remove all shader calls from the game.


I do not know if it would be possible to rewrite the enbeffect.fx file so that everytime those shaders are called the output would just produce the image that is already there.... My HLSL is not that great sadly.

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  • 1 month later...

Uhm i don't know why do you want to remove Bloom... At some point you have to use Bloom or HDR to create ambient light. But if you don't want to use just uncheck ''Bloom'' option in ENB. And not sure what enb do you talking about but Eye Adaptation is very limited on my own enb. Cause i don't like it either

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