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ROFL! Just as I assumed. Take away follower gear, leaving them starkers, then run a dungeon. They come through it just as well as they would if they were wearing armor. Definitely no point in having them wear anything...unless you just want to do so. Use AFT and remove their essential nature and they'll still boogie along just fine. Oh, they'll show some effect, but it won't amount to much and they'll still heal up in a hurry, even if you've removed all the protections and perks by using AFT.


Now, one can make them completely vulnerable, particularly in Dragon or Boss fights. Unfortunately, I've forgotten how. I remember in one long done Dragon battle, the Dragon died but I lost my whole five woman team and they were all geared up to the max. Guess I'll go do a bit of research on the Net and the Nexus. I don't search Steam, mostly because it's just not a well planned site and isn't very user friendly...at least as I see it.

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