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CTD upon defeating Potema's minons


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I'm doing the quest "Wolf Queen Reawakened". I'm at the stage where you fight her series of undead minions while she floats in the air and rotates while discharging electricity. I saved just before engaging the fight, kill all the undead, and the quest updates, she turns into a whirling ball of blue light and heads for the doorway that I'm supposed to go through, and CTD. I reloaded from a earlier save point, did another save, and tried again. Same problem. :confused:


I've never run into a CTD like this before as otherwise my game is very stable. I do not have Dawnguard installed, but I do have about 60 or so mods. Up till now, my only experience with CTDs is when I try out a new mod and it for some reason won't play nice with the others, so I can usually identify the culprit pretty quick. This CTD leaves me clueless because my game has been extremely stable with all the mods I'm running and have had no issue up till now. What's the process for tracking down this bug? Your guidance will be greatly appreciated.

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Yes, common issue, i wonder why they didn't fix it yet. Open my console and type setstage MS06 125, Use TCL to go through the door.


Cycloney911, you have my most sincere thank you. :wub: I just finished the quest thanks to your reply and can return to my carefree pummelling of foes elsewhere. Just glad it's not a bug that required me to track down a mod as the culprit, hopefully this is the only one of its kind I'll encounter. I'm curious however as to how you knew to use the command of setstage and the code number. Just in case I run into a somewhat similar problem, is there a site where I can find such bug solutions?

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http://www.uesp.net is the site.




You can see at the bottom of the page, the stage numbers and codes are written.


Thanks again Cycloney, more tools in my troubleshooting toolbox is always a good thing :thumbsup:

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  • 2 months later...
Okay for me it turned out to be a mod that changed the noble clothing that all nobles and Potema's spirit wears so that was making my game crash immediately after defeating her minions. I disabled the mod and was able to continue and then activate the mod afterwards.
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