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Is the newest update making the CK bugged?


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Is it possible that the newest update for the CK is glitchy? A few months ago, an update of the CK would make mods broken when saving them with it (for example, the third person stopped being rendered when the player character was modified by the mod) - it is confirmed that this was an issue with the Update for the CK.

Now, a few days ago, another update for it has been released, after which I made an update (version 0.97) for my current project - I mostly tweaked minor vanilla stuff (spells, misc items) and added some custome stuff - but when loading the game with it, many quests seem to have become broken.

For instance, the game has become unplayable because the starting scene glitches fataly, with General Tullies not mounting his horse (it seems to follow the last carriage many yards away while Tulliues just walks), the carriages going way too fast, the dialogue being interrupted at half its duration, then, Helgens Gates do not open, so the carriages just ran into them, further glitching actually makes the carriages go up to the Sky and fly over the entire land - I know, this sounds insane, but it happened to me. Twice.

My testers also report other parts of the main quest being broken (Retrieving the Dragon Stone doesn't trigger Irileth to appear) and the Greybeards do not react anymore when trying to do their quests, Delphine also seems to glitch and not show any quest dialogues. Now I can hardly think of the changes I made to be responsible for this, especially because everything worked fine before this update.

Has anyone else been having such problems? I am really afraid about my project because of this and would be relieved if there is any more information about this stuff, and if it is already confirmed if the new CK update is bugged.


Please, I really need more information on this, as I really am at a loss what to do!!!

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