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Interior Cell Issues


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Hey all I'm having some issues with a mod I'm working on involving the interior cells of a castle. I've never had a problem like this before so I'm unsure of what to do. Google didn't help because I'm unsure of how to word it. Certain parts of the cell will disappear, yet still be there. I can walk into a room and have two walls and the furniture touching them disappear yet walk thought a "barrier" and they will all appear again. I have some screen shots to hopefully help anyone understand what I'm talking about. I'm not sure what the issue is because I just duplicated the interior of Fort Greymoor for this. I don't know if there's just to much going on in the cell for it to all load or what. Here's what I'm talking about.



When I pass through the tan area the wall appears and all the furniture on the other side (Just a couple shelves).



This is a doorway on the second floor on the other side of the castle.



This shows the extent of the large missing chunk.


Not only do the walls disappear here, some smaller columns disappear and only reappear at certain angles throughout the castle.


Any help would be appreciated in solving my dilemma.


[Edit] I'm leaving for work now so if I don't respond that's why. I won't be back for a good 10-12 hours so hopefully I'll have some help and answer any questions then. Thanks!

Edited by AssyMcGee
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Could this be from the room bounds? I think you need to place portals where you want to be able to see through.


With your interior cell loaded In the creation kit, at the top, click the "view" tab and then click "show hide windows". Tick the box by "portals and rooms".


Then you might have to F5 to refresh and it will show if there are any room bounds or portals in the cell.


I'm not sure this is your problem, but it can't hurt to check.

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@Haidaboy, Thank you, a thousand times thank you. That was the problem. Once I clicked on that tab and saw the room bounds pop up, the edges of the bounds matched exactly where my issues were. Now I can get back on track and finish and release this. You will be credited for your help.
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