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Skyrim crashing on startup after ENB uninstalation


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I recently installed the ENB series graphical mod, and for some reason the game crashed frequently and suddenly, with no lag at all. It usually crashed 1 minute after starting the game, or when i changed location (fast travells, entering doors,etc) And after searching for 2 hours for solutions (none of them worked) i decided to give up and uninstall the ENB mod.


After i uninstalled (i deleted all of the files related to it) and played the game, it crashed on startup. Bethesda logo, skyrim logo, then crash, no text.

And i can't figure out what is going on, since i didn't change any of the main game's files, why is it crashing and how can i fix this?


I reached level 45 and have a lot of other mods installed, i don't wanto to reinstall the game, i will lose everything


Ah, and don't post replies like: "ooh i have this problem too" as they are completely worthless and make me angry as f*ck. If you have this problem too please make you own topic.


Thank you internet comunity

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