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modders please take a read at this


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can u modders please create following mods please :


1- -----TUXEDO------ (best armani ever) i just like tuxedos from fallout

2- ---- SHADES------ to go with that tuxedo from the matrix movie ones that mr. smith has (or anderson)

3- for left hand ---- A SPELL---- witch would freeze everything around me like in matrix movie at the end when neo stops the bullets with his left hand opened

4- for my right hand ------ A GOLD DESERT EAGLE with 1 ENCHANTED BULLET in chamber that never runs out or needs to reload and kills the target in one shot and makes that piss in your pants scary sound when u fire it ------hehehe i know it skyrim not fallout but im just that addicted



so bassicaly a combination to run around skyrim looking good while with one hand stoping everthing in their tracks and in the other shoting them down without dirtying the tux


i so hope it can be done and thanx even if it cant

and i also hope other pepps would start with such or even better combinations, just imagine all the options and possibilities then


thank you

Edited by kiturina
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