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Devil May Cry 5

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Alright, I've been tinkering around bgm_ingame.pck.3.x64 lately. The file contains default battle tracks for the most part and some tracks you would hear throughout the game, which isn't limited to certain mission.

To find the file, you'll have to navigate to this path of your unpacked game file folder:

natives\x64\streaming\sound\wwise\bgm_ingame.pck.3.x64 for edit and locating music files <--------- we'll mainly use this

natives\x64\sound\wwise\bgm_ingame.pck.3.x64 for editing the follow steps

natives\x64\sound\wwise\bgm_ingame.bnk.3.x64 for editing loop, which you must not mess this one up, ever

From the mentioned file. I tried figuring out the dynamic soundtrack system on this game and below here are the .wem files I've found in the pack for each character's battle theme. All 3 songs are separated into small parts in order to integrate with the Dynamic system. Keep in mind that these part files, although has numbered, are not sorted out in the way that the song usually play.

Dante's Subhuman (and its part I've tried to sort out)

01.wem - connect between ranks 1

02.wem - b rank 2

09.wem - s rank (you can not kill me)

12.wem - connect between ranks 2

14.wem - d rank

16.wem - fall to b rank after s

17.wem - b rank

19.wem - end of a battle

26.wem - encounter

35.wem - s rank 2 (you can not kill me loop)

36.wem - s rank extension 2

38.wem - connect between ranks 3

47.wem - connect a to s

49.wem - b rank extension 2

52.wem - b rank extension

62.wem - s rank extension

64.wem - begin combat (the first guitar riff)

66.wem - c rank no vocal

69.wem - same as 36 but without vocal

70.wem - s rank extend 3

72.wem - end of combat 2? (i'm not sure on this one)

76.wem - sounds like a vocal fill

78.wem - c rank

Nero's Devil Trigger (these parts of the track aren't sorted out yet)



















V's Crimson cloud parts are in the rest of the pack, scattered between Dante's and Nero's although some files are exception which are:

05.wem (divinity statue)

08.wem (I don't know what track this is)

41.wem (divinity statue intro)

56.wem (some kind of drum beat)

58.wem & 63.wem (Inside Nico's Van)

If you got any further details or information, please comment and I will update this thread.

P.S. The DLC tracks aren't dynamic at all so they are not split into parts like default tracks, resulting in easier moddablity. If you are planning on modding those then you can totally ignore this thread.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey man! Is there any way to rip the music files off the game so I can use them for something else? I know for a fact I can use wwiseutil if the files are .bnk or .pck, but they're all .x64. Thanks in advance c:


Edit: nvm figured it out, thanks

Edited by Mirraz27
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Just thought that I would post an updated list of the structure for the pck. After the Vergil update some of the music files were updated to include Bury The Light which means that the list above is incorrect for up to date versions.


I made this list which is correct, but it doesn't have a description for all tracks, so if you have an idea for improvements pls tell me.


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Just thought that I would post an updated list of the structure for the pck. After the Vergil update some of the music files were updated to include Bury The Light which means that the list above is incorrect for up to date versions.


I made this list which is correct, but it doesn't have a description for all tracks, so if you have an idea for improvements pls tell me.


I based on your document and sort the Devil Trigger from start to end

A small explain to the marking :

- The square brackets number in front of comment mean is connected to the number of track,

same meaning to the behind.

- "(same line as XX)" means they can share the same track file but 24 & 63




23 308401057 Devil Trigger [start] Intro [28]
28 353622581 Devil Trigger [23] First hit transition [101]
101 938611033 Devil Trigger [28] The first part [109]
109 1003021924 Devil Trigger [101] The darkness of night... [21/116]
21 281003680 Devil Trigger [109] Move fast, baby... (same line as 116)[106]
116 1072778807 Devil Trigger [109] I'm a wildfire... (same line as 21)[106]
106 959248293 Devil Trigger [21/116] (C Rank Music Only) [66]
66 651525636 Devil Trigger [106] B Rank Music Only(same line as 41) [24+63]
41 432982860 Devil Trigger [106] B Rank Music Only(same line as 66) [24+63]
24 316881643 Devil Trigger [41/66] A-rank drum Main [70]
63 638385320 Devil Trigger [41/66] A-rank drum Sub(NOT SAME AS 24) [70]
70 666241413 Devil Trigger [24] S-rank transition(will stop at middle) [58/61]
30 367617686 Devil Trigger [24] S-rank to verse transition(30,75,85 is the same) [58/61]
75 721313208 Devil Trigger [24] S-rank transition(30,75,85 is the same) [58/61]
85 825404982 Devil Trigger [24] S-rank transition(30,75,85 is the same) [58/61]
58 599830143 Devil Trigger [70/30/75/85] All of these thoughts...(same line as 61) [3]
61 627767797 Devil Trigger [70/30/75/85] All of these voices...(same line as 58) [3]
3 14106102 Devil Trigger [58/61] S Rank Music Only [72/98]
72 701360560 Devil Trigger [3] When the night ends... [loop to 24+63]
98 903131359 Devil Trigger [3] Embrace the darkness... [loop to 24+63]
26 330208682 Devil Trigger [Any] Outro [End]
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  • 2 months later...

Just thought that I would post an updated list of the structure for the pck. After the Vergil update some of the music files were updated to include Bury The Light which means that the list above is incorrect for up to date versions.


I made this list which is correct, but it doesn't have a description for all tracks, so if you have an idea for improvements pls tell me.


Could I ask you if Silver Bullet has a dynamic version? I'd like to get my hands on the outro part of the song, but I don't own a version of the game on a PC.



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Just thought that I would post an updated list of the structure for the pck. After the Vergil update some of the music files were updated to include Bury The Light which means that the list above is incorrect for up to date versions.


I made this list which is correct, but it doesn't have a description for all tracks, so if you have an idea for improvements pls tell me.


Could I ask you if Silver Bullet has a dynamic version? I'd like to get my hands on the outro part of the song, but I don't own a version of the game on a PC.




Silver Bullet in natives\x64\streaming\sound\wwise\bgm_m20_boss.pck.3.x64

Edited by ZTA61
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so I can't extract the audio due to "Parse error: missing RIFF" during the WEM to OGG conversion, could someone help me out?


I'm using this method:

-> RETool (for .pak extraction)

-> Wwiseutil-gui.exe (for .pck to .wem)

-> WEM to OGG, WAV converter (2020-12-04).rar (from the RE modding community https://residentevilmodding.boards.net/thread/12359/wem-ogg-wav-converter-batch)

Edited by fireadept8
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