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SKSE Causes stuttering?


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I was having terrible stutter recently (I had another thread posted here about that) and I managed to figure out that it was caused by SKSE, has anyone had this before? I wan't to use all my old SKSE required mods but I can't and its driving me insane, the version i'm using is for 1.7. I figured it out by, on an off chance, trying to play using the default launcher which, when played, had no stutter what so ever. Please help D:
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had exactly the same problem. It took me weeks to realise it was caused by SKSE.

Unfortunately i had no solution.

I let all the mods in my folder but i just use the default launcher and the stuttering is gone.

SkyUI is still working almost entirely so didn't search for another solution.

I'm sorry i can't help more.

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It might be your virus scanner running in the background. My virus scanner is supposed to detect when I run a game, but it kept scanning in the background when I ran Skyrim via SKSE. Now I just shut down the scanner before using SKSE. No more stutter.
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