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Blotting out the sun: Is it worth it?


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Ok, so, I joined the DG. Followed their quest line all the way. Along the way, I decided to make the Blood Cursed bolts. Haven't used them, but am very tempted. I also have not completed the MQ. So am afraid that if I let my curiosity get the best of me, I might not be able to finish the MQ or lose out on a ton of side quests.


So, is it worth it?

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First of all, those are bloodcursed arrows which can be made by Serana, and Serana alone. You can also ask her mother, but she'll refuse. She's essential and therefore impossible to kill even if you temper with the pref. file. Second, they can only be fired with Auriel's bow. The effect is temporary and it's just an option to get rid of most of the cons while being a vampire. I'm not even sure what your question really was but the system is idiot proof. You can't break the game.
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  • 2 weeks later...
hmmmmmm.. why would blotting out the sun ruin the other quests...? that doesn't make any sense. the npcs won't die if you blot the sun out. furthermore like wat the others are saying, it's not perm.
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Don't worry:

after I finished the main questline, I used the Bow daily. I weekly visit a blacksmith and Serana and the Falmer just for arrows.

And I was amazed, that the plot of DG, to stop the bloting of the Sun, does nothing!

No NPC cares if there is a Sun or not. They're not scared, they don't die, they don't unite against me etc. So really, it is IMPOSSIBLE to ruin anyting, except lore, by bloating the Sun. :wallbash:

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I just did this well in God mod tgm and the achievement pop up window from steam came up for the achievement, I guess steam don't care about cheating anymore, I use tgm all the time and have 80% of the achievements


How often do I have to blot out the sun? while in solitude it was a very sunny day and that message your blood boils came up, but I hadn't fed in one game day

Edited by sinnerman69
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