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How Come Mods Disappear???


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Many times i have seen a mod liked it tracked or wanted to wait for an update but anyways i search for it and it seems to have disappeared of the face of the mod site as if it never existed. Or maybe if i download a mod come back a month later to the page and then it is gone happens kinda often too soo i just wanted to know what is really going on when this happens.


So my question is are these mods being removed from the nexus site for having illegal content or is it usually other things such as the mod maker removing it.

Edited by Shadow0115
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Sometimes mods are removed for using copyrighted content.

Sometimes mods are removed for having inappropriate content.

Sometimes mods are removed because they have been found to be dangerous.



However, recently the site has been having some issues ( check the news thingy ) and some files will temporarily show as not existing, but they are still there.

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