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Bigger, Brawnier Amazons


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Look, I love playing slender, big-breasted swim-suit model-type characters as much as the next person. They're great for elegant swordswomen, thieves, mages... just about everything.


Except tanks.


There really is no good mesh (that I have found; do you know of one?) for a larger, brawnier female. If I want to play a gigantic, axe-wielding, amazonian Orc or Nord, I get a tall, supermodel, axe-wielding character. Even with the weight sliders all the way up, vanilla Skyrim (and also the utterly excellent CBBE and UNP bodies, both of which I have and love) body models are just too... delicate, I guess is the word, to portray a convincingly strong female warrior.


I loved both HGEC GUTS and DM GUTS in Oblivion. In fact, once DM GUTS got installed, it never came off. I would LOVE a mod like that for Skyrim, but don't even have a tenth of the graphics skill to make it.


Is this a mod that would interest anyone else? Is there already a mod like this that I have not found?


Much obliged.

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