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Vampire Head Discoloration - Doesn't Match Body


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Idk if this will work for all, but here's a link. Dawnguard- Vampire Face Fix


It just changes the original vampire texture but the coloration is still not applied to the head


I thought if the problem is with mismatched texture colors from using custom body mods, since DG adds an alternate head texture for vampires (the one with the nasty clef - lip look), you could simply take the head textures from the custom body mod, rename those and drop into the folders for the new vampire head textures, problems solved. However if it's the facegen data causing this, it wouldn't fix this...

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Idk if this will work for all, but here's a link. Dawnguard- Vampire Face Fix


It just changes the original vampire texture but the coloration is still not applied to the head


I thought if the problem is with mismatched texture colors from using custom body mods, since DG adds an alternate head texture for vampires (the one with the nasty clef - lip look), you could simply take the head textures from the custom body mod, rename those and drop into the folders for the new vampire head textures, problems solved. However if it's the facegen data causing this, it wouldn't fix this...


No. It 's a problem with facegen data.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use CBBE and get this too. Been too lazy to try to trouble-shoot so I just imagine it away as a "vampire's tan."

Lol, thats what ive been doing. Until now I guess.




I had actually altered all my encounters in the CK pre dawnguard, including encvampire, which of course I had to export all the facegen data to eliminate tha random grey face issues the CK causes. Then dawnguard comes out and I notice that all human/elf vampires have TAN FACE now... I tried deleting my old facegen data for vampires form my skyrim.esm folder, than tried exporting new facegen data from dawnguard.esm, but to no avail :(


Only change I use is xenius character enhancmets, which is just improved textures.


I wounder if this could be solved by copying and renaming some .dds file to the right location? I have noticed that some of the vampires I encounterd arent using the new glowing eye texture, but rather an older one I have in my data folder. EDIT nope...

Edited by stuff444
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I use CBBE and get this too. Been too lazy to try to trouble-shoot so I just imagine it away as a "vampire's tan."

Lol, thats what ive been doing. Until now I guess.




I had actually altered all my encounters in the CK pre dawnguard, including encvampire, which of course I had to export all the facegen data to eliminate tha random grey face issues the CK causes. Then dawnguard comes out and I notice that all human/elf vampires have TAN FACE now... I tried deleting my old facegen data for vampires form my skyrim.esm folder, than tried exporting new facegen data from dawnguard.esm, but to no avail :(


Only change I use is xenius character enhancmets, which is just improved textures.


I wounder if this could be solved by copying and renaming some .dds file to the right location? I have noticed that some of the vampires I encounterd arent using the new glowing eye texture, but rather an older one I have in my data folder. EDIT nope...


Maybe it's hard-coded to forbid any changes to skin tones of vampires

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  • 3 weeks later...

This was taken from the Dawnguard - Vampire Face Fix by CrafyGremlin and it worked great for my custom body mod.




Now we get into people using custom face textures that want that fixed too. Just follow these simple steps.


First off is the ladies

1. Go to your Skyrim folder then Data > textures > actors > character > female

2. locate the files femalehead.dds and femalehead_msn.dds and copy and paste to make a copy

3. Good now rename femalehead.dds to "femaleheadvampire.dds"

4. Next up yep you got it rename femalehead_msn.dds to "femaleheadvampire_msn.dds"

5. all set


Now the Men

1. Same concept Go to your Skyrim folder then Data > textures > actors > character > male

2. locate the files malehead.dds and malehead_msn.dds and copy and paste to make a copy

3. Rename malehead.dds to "maleheadvampire.dds"

4. And finally rename malehead_msn.dds to "maleheadvampire_msn.dds"


All set if i missed anything which I'm 99% sure i didn't let me know and i will fix it. Have fun and good hunting."


Also try to exit out and enter another area for the data to be reset.

Edited by xEspada
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  • 3 weeks later...

This was taken from the Dawnguard - Vampire Face Fix by CrafyGremlin and it worked great for my custom body mod.




Now we get into people using custom face textures that want that fixed too. Just follow these simple steps.


First off is the ladies

1. Go to your Skyrim folder then Data > textures > actors > character > female

2. locate the files femalehead.dds and femalehead_msn.dds and copy and paste to make a copy

3. Good now rename femalehead.dds to "femaleheadvampire.dds"

4. Next up yep you got it rename femalehead_msn.dds to "femaleheadvampire_msn.dds"

5. all set


Now the Men

1. Same concept Go to your Skyrim folder then Data > textures > actors > character > male

2. locate the files malehead.dds and malehead_msn.dds and copy and paste to make a copy

3. Rename malehead.dds to "maleheadvampire.dds"

4. And finally rename malehead_msn.dds to "maleheadvampire_msn.dds"


All set if i missed anything which I'm 99% sure i didn't let me know and i will fix it. Have fun and good hunting."


Also try to exit out and enter another area for the data to be reset.


Doing this does not fix the discoloration problem. Try going into race menu and alter the your body color tone. See how your the tone of your face not changing at all?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I had this same problem with my wood elf. I was using Bella's face mod, plus CBBE. I tried so many workarounds, installing various mods that said they would fix it, I did the renaming of the 2 .dds files, everything, but none of it stopped my face being really dark, and my body being lighter.


But I fixed it. This might work for you. It's very, very simple.


1) Open the console

2) Type: player.setrace woodelfrace (replacing 'woodelf' with your original race) - upon hitting enter, you should see everything change back to how you were before you became a vampire

3) Type: player.setrace woodelfracevampire (again, using your own race) - and upon hitting enter, the only change you should see is in the possible slight height difference being a vampire introduces

4) Close the console, be happy


I hope that works for others. I haven't had a chance to play for long after doing it, so I'm not sure if it'll 'stick' after lots of various vampirational behaviours :P but we shall see.

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