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Skill trees and playstyle


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now that I've put off skyrim a bit longer then I first planned, I see there's a ton of wonderful mods to spice up my game with, thanks a ton nexus community, fallout3 would not have been the same without you :thumbsup:


anyway, what did bug me on my testgo was the skills, and skilltrees, things like pickpocket, lockpick and speech seemed like they were too small of a consept to cover an entire skill tree, and I got to think on what could be done....

I found out there wasn't a lot that can be done apart from the tree itself, so with the limitations established it was obvious that whatever I did with the tree, if it were to feel right, it would still have something to do with the consept of the skill it's assosiated with...

This led to a series of thinking back and forth and nothing really making progress.


So eventually I had to ask myself: "How do I want the perks to influence my playstyle?"

Havent made up an answer yet but what about you?



How would you want perks from the pickpocket tree to influence your gameplay and playstyle?

What about lockpick, speech, or any other skill you got an idea on.

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I would personally like to see these skills improve based on player level and skill level, eliminating the need for perks altogether. The only perks that should be on the lockpicking tree are wax key and the one that makes them unbreakable. Morrowind and oblivion lockpicking were both better than skyrims, and speechcraft has become completely useless since they removed the ability to affect disposition. What's the point of speechcraft if you can't bribe/flatter/intimidate everyone you come in contact with? Nothing, so they had to smash together speech and mercantile, which is also useless since money is so easy to come by and there's nothing to buy. The best armor and enchantments are craftable, so there's no reason for blacksmith npcs, except to but materials, which are easy to come by in the gameworld anyway. About half of all magic perks are useless, half magicka? That could/should be built in to the skill level itself anyway, especially when 4 pieces of armor can bring the cost down to zero anyway. Armor perks are the same. The first perk, extra armor, is redundant when you can improve them to legendary anyway. They are grossly unbalanced, which is why everyone is complaining that the game is too easy even with the difficulty slider all the way up.


There's much more but the point is, we desperately need mods that address these core gameplay issues instead of a bunch of mods that aim to rearrange and tweak trees of useless perks, imho.

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