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Skyrim Troubles! :(


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The mod that script belongs to and giving you trouble is:

Open Cities Skyrim by Arthmoor - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8058


check your '\Skyrim\Data' folder and verify that these files are in there:

Open Cities Skyrim.esp

Open Cities Skyrim.bsa


if you normally extract BSA archives and copy loose files into Skyrim,

check your '\Skyrim\Data\scripts' folder and verify that the script file:

'ARTH_OCS_WhiterunGateLockScript.PEX' exists.


you might try adding 'Open Cities Skyrim.bsa' to the searchlist string in your skyrim.ini:



but this shouldn't be necessary.

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I just checked the contents of 'Open Cities Skyrim.bsa' from v0.9 of Open Cities Skyrim (dated 6 August 2012) and

discovered that script file 'ARTH_OCS_WhiterunGateLockScript.PEX' does NOT exist in the script folder..

I am asuming this script file is from this mod..

Do you still have a copy of an earlier version of Open Cities Skyrim that does have this file in the BSA?

I am assuming there were earlier versions of this mod..

if so, the modder removed the earlier versions from the available download files section.

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