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Boss General Message I never seen -- GAme wont operate.


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Hello my fellow Tamrielians



I can not seem to grasp this grand tragedy that has struck me in my heart and center.


So -- I was playing fine last night, and added a few mods today.


Tried to run boss, got a :



General Message Evaluation of conditional ""http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=83061079 Elemental Base Pack"." failed!


I load the game fine enough with SKSE, then as the laod screen is working to put my character in, it crashes to desk top. no error message. a flat drop.



Never received any messages from BOSS before, and I am guessing it is just not sorting my list out now. Any one know how to solve this problem?

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dude wheres my pants leather armor pants adder



enhanced horses.



The problem is the load order I imagine, but the issue is the error message with boss or - general message - as its labelled



It isnt showing a log list in my browser, just says that message.

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im trying to tell you BOSS -- IS NOT --- reloading the order... it is giving me an unknown message i never seen before.



as i originally posted. I would like to fix this boss issue before i attempt anything else, as the game was working yesterday.


where boss was working properly

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