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Can Someone Please Make Muskets... :(


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I've been waiting for what seems like for ever for someone to make a musket, and now that the crossbow is in skyrim those animations would be perfect... If someone could please make this it would be so great... :)


and as a bonus maybe make the muskets a crossbow replacer...


and as a super bonus maybe change the style of the guards to fit a more renaissance feel rather than the rohan/roman feel that they have now... thanks! :)

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I've been waiting for what seems like for ever for someone to make a musket, and now that the crossbow is in skyrim those animations would be perfect... If someone could please make this it would be so great... :)


and as a bonus maybe make the muskets a crossbow replacer...


and as a super bonus maybe change the style of the guards to fit a more renaissance feel rather than the rohan/roman feel that they have now... thanks! :)


Well there is a rifle mod here on skyrim called the dwarvenrifleCrossbowtipe (the autor dosn't speak englis so this is why this named like this) which add a gun which look like a dwemer made rifle and it's awsome and all but yeh still not a musket which I woud realy like to youse in skyrim so here is the mod for you right now this is the closest thing we can get atm to a musket:



Edited by poli13
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