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Movement speed too fast


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I'm using SkyRe, wich adds more possible enchantments to crossbow bolts.


A NPC hit me with one of these bolts that are supposed to slow the player, but after the slow wore off instead of returning to my normal movement speed it just became much higher.


I tried travelling somewhere else, waiting 24 hours, anything but nothing works..... and my last save is 2 levels behind...

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I'm using SkyRe, wich adds more possible enchantments to crossbow bolts.


A NPC hit me with one of these bolts that are supposed to slow the player, but after the slow wore off instead of returning to my normal movement speed it just became much higher.


I tried travelling somewhere else, waiting 24 hours, anything but nothing works..... and my last save is 2 levels behind...



player.forceav speedmult 100

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