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Manager says mod was installed but cant see it


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I just got a fresh copy of skyrim the other day, and I deiced to put a simple me gusta moon mod on.

I installed the manager just fine, and it successfully installed the mod. But when I played skyrim, the moon was completely unchanged.


I'm new to modding, but I did make sure the mods version is up to date, and that it was activated.

Did I miss a step?

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The structure of the mod archive was not designed to be installed through NMM. If you extract the mod archive, you'll find a folder called "sky" inside of which you'll find a couple of .dds files. If you install through NMM, the folder "sky" will be installed in your "skyrim/data" folder, where in fact it should go to the "skyrim/data/textures" folder.

So, uninstall the mod through NMM, manually extract the mod archive and copy the folder "sky" to the "skyrim/data/textures" folder. Choose yes to all when prompted to overwrite files.

Edited by asdgora
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