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Cannot download Mods,Help needed Please! Thank You..


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Hi i have for the last 2 days have tried to download mods from here and it seems that i can't download any mod bigger then 10mb sometimes less before my download stops and quits downloading.I have tried to download the Skytest mod and a roman weapons and armor mod but every time i try to download them my download just stops after 5mb to 10mb. I have tried different mirrors to no avail.Now i have very,very good internet service as a matter of fact i have 4G and i have unlimited data for my phone so i know the issue is not from my end.Furthermore i downloaded Tytanis's mod a few days ago and it downloaded just fine.I was hoping if someone can shed some light into my perplexing situation.



Thank You..Respectfully Logik729

Edited by Logik729
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