Devaskal Posted April 27, 2019 Share Posted April 27, 2019 So I dont know how many others think like this.. but mirelurk Farming should already be essential to Fallout 4.. Im hoping for a Good nce Mirelurk Mod that allows us to set up a Hatchery/Spawning Pool inside a settlement Using eggs we Aquire out in the wild.. as it is pointed out that Mirelurks can be farmed.. even kept as pets.. Raiders do it, and so did one crazy irish man. So why can't we train settlers to mantain a Mirelurk farm? they give food. and a somewhat ok form of Defense... Now to the Details of my idea/Mod request.. 1: As all things start with Eggs.. But a spawning pool or hatchery is nothing without proper management and FOOD.. Afterall your murkies need yum yums to grow up and produce more... as well as to grow up big and strong assuming your lucky enough to get from the Crab/Lobster variants into the more productive ones that are better suited for guard/pet duty.. 2: I would like to option to be able to NAME our Murkies.. Similar to automaton, however we aren't going to just auto grow a hatchling into a king, or queen.. 3: Evolution... Mirelurks are very diversed, and not much is actually known about them or their lifecycle.. With such it gives free room to be creative... So I imagine for their Evolution stages.. they use a form of cocoon.. similar to that of Evolve /Evolve Stage 2.. or even Natural selection 2.. where they encase themselves in a goo and go through a metamorphisis,, during this time the cocoon is WEAK and must be guarded. 4: Farming.. : Your Farm is not hostile to you, the Settlers interaction with a clutch of eggs would be similar to that of seeing them tend to crops. afterall the eggs are precious crops afterall.. 5: Growth pool :: For murkies that aren't intended to be on the dinner table a place to nuture your Army of murkies.. 6: Types :Eggs : The item placed into spawning pool/hatchery... Hatchlings : the babies the cute lil ones that will grow up to be food or defece/ pets. Mirelurks [the crab variants even razorclaws.. provides defence points for your settlement and will be territorial against intruders.. aka Raiders, mutants, etc.. Hunters: they are capable to being allowed to go hunting around parimeter of the settlement to find food to drag back home. Kings : study fast, the true guards of the spawning grounds.. they provide nice defence, and are capable fighters.... The Queens.. : Main role is to reside in spawning grounds providing eggs. Not to be allowed to roam. as to mirelurks wherever the queen is, the nest is.. 7: Feeding.. could use a similar mechanic to the Cow trough but for murkies.. using cooking station or chem station or a new station to make the Gruel/ Food Stuff for the murkies to eat.. or if you want to be cruel rig up a few cages and just release live prey into the living grounds for the murkies.. 8: Murkie structures... A: Spawning pool : this is avaible to build when your hatchery produces babies, and one or some are lucky to evolve into a Queen.. a Queen is Required for the spawning grounds to be built.. 1 queen per spawning pool. She will reside in it and roam abit around it.. Must be built by a source of water. B: Hatchery : the first structure to build.. this is required using Electricty to incubate the eggs to hatch them.. this is how you hatch Wild obtained eggs.. as the spawning pool will provide eggs and hatch over time.. C: Roam Markers.. : rods or such that placed down give off a pheromone telling the murkies to navigate from marker to marker.. essentially allowing you to set up a patrol route. D: Processing Plant : aka a slaughter house to get meat/ items.. grown murks enter,, rescources come out... ------------- 9: The ability to Name and turn them into followers if desired.. : must have this.. have a raised and groomed murkie that you invested time and love into as a faithful companion. unlike whisper obtained animals, these ones benefit from the No friendly fire perk. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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