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Mods that work best with a new game


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Many people would agree that you should not use any mods at all until you have played the game for awhile and know what it is like without mods. Then you will know what sort of mods you need to make you happy.


At that point you will know what kind of mods you want and won't even need to ask anybody.


Don't just jump on the bandwagon and start installing a bunch of mods because everyone else is and because you think that is what you are supposed to do.


Just Say No To Mods!

Edited by David Brasher
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I have played the game for a while without mods, and I was only asking to get recs for good mods that I don't know of. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon installing a bunch of mods because everyone else is and I don't think that's what I'm supposed to do. I'm not assuming that you assumed I've never played Skyrim before, but this isn't my first time playing by a long shot. For instance I installed SkyUI because the default UI stunk out loud compared to it. I could be happy playing the game without any mods, I just install certain ones to make the game more enjoyable. I don't 'need' any mods to make me happy. BTW I'm not trying to start a flame skirmish, you just have a lot of false information it seems. Edited by BetterTejbz
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