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[Mod Request]: Sell Pulverizing Feather / Origin Set...


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I like to keep my gear chest nice and orderly. Unfortunately whenever I order by set, I end up with the "Pulverizing Feather" pushing its way to the top slot... which naturally shuffles about the order of all the sets in my box so each is shunted across two lines, making a cosmic mess of things. Then to get this stupid feather arranged with the rest of the independent head-pieces, I have to manually sort it one by one past every single armour piece in my entire box all the way to the bottom where the others are.

And the stupid thing is... I DON'T WANT IT. I DON'T USE IT. It is now an unwanted cancer in my gear chest along with the Origin DLC set, doing nothing but getting in the way when I'm trying to find useful armour.

PLEASE can someone figure out some way for me to remove these annoying things from my equipment box?

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