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Starting RIFT..


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As I've mainly been a F2P-MMO player for the last 3-4


years (after I played Everquest 1 for 6-7 years), I've


finally decided to make the jump back into a


subscription based MMO (Tired of the OP cash shop in


some (read: most) games) and I was looking for some


advice; mainly what is a class/"calling" that not only


excels in endgame PvE, but also PvP?


Previously in most games, I've rolled as some sort of


Ranged DPS (Mage/Archer) or Tank/Melee DPS (Warriors),


but I'm unsure as to what is a viable choice (read: not


overpowered and faceroll with no skill) to pick up and


learn to play in RIFT.


So far on a trial account, I've played a mage to 20 and


I really enjoy the amount of burst/sustained damage I


can pump out depending on what souls I pick..How viable


are mages endgame?


Thanks in advance!

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Topic closed as it has nothing to do with either Eve online or with any other game we support here. :psyduck:


Eve online is an MMO, however it is a space ships and blasters MMO, not medieval fantasy.

Every other game we support is a single player.


Bben46, Moderator

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