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Summoning mess


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Hi guys how are you!!i'm a newby member (15 april) of the comunity and modder, i've started a mod of the dwemer race in wich you have the feature of build your automatons, i did it via conjuration crafting the scrolls in the forge and then summoning the creatures, so here is the issue, when you summon a flame atronach my automatons dispel as it obvius, so i ask you if there is any form that the two summonings can coexist, or is it another way to bring the automatons besides conjuration thanks!!1

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1) Make ActorBase

2) Give him Script with OnHit event that will activate Menu

3) Make Scrool with PlaceAtMe function

4) Make Spell with only visual effects ( no magic , dmg , etc. )

5) done...


in short version xD


Keyworlds to Google:

- PlaceAtMe

- Event OnHit

- MessageBox Show

- OnUpdateGameTime

- Magic Effects



can't make good tutorial for you cause my english is too bad and im too lazy xD

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