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CTD During Loading Screen because of mods.


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WARZONES-civil unrest.esm


Bigger Cities and Villages.esp

Falkreath expansion.esp


Immersive patrols.esp

Powder bow.esp

Winterhold fully restored.esp


I'm pretty sure it's a load order or mod compatability problem. However, it might be that the amount of mods is just taking too large a toll on my system.


I have


intel i5 processor 2.26 GHz


Intel 1724mb DVMT GMA.




UPDATE: Disabling Warzones fixed the problem, however, leaving the Mages college and going into Winterhold caused a CTD, which is probably due to the Winterhold fully restored mod. Any help there?


Ok now it's just CTD'ing randomly, in the College of Winterhold, even though I have no mods there. Help?

Edited by helloguy1232
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From the fleetford description page:




The mod should run fine anywhere in your load order. There should be no specific compatibility issues with any other mods, unless they also edit the same exterior cells, mods known to conflict (i.e you CANNOT use them at the same time as they all alter the same places):


- Ranger Cabins 2_0

- Older versions of Expanded Towns and villages

- Gleaming Falls


So are your mods updated to their latest versions?

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