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custom bloody mess style enchantment/perk

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Hi guys. I'm trying to make a custom enchantment for a PA which could be added either via an object mod or just added to the base PA. I basically want to create an ability similar to the bloody mess power to blow up bodies but with a significantly higher percentage chance. I've taken a look at the bloody mess perk in the creation kit and can only find references to increasing weapon damage and setting the quest stage in the perk quest to 300. I checked that quest stage and couldn't find anything to help. I am very out of my depth here. Is this something I'll need a custom script for or could it be hacked together from what's already in the game?


Any help would be appreciated.

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Hello the rotton core,


I've been looking at this today myself (I'm making a cursed sacrificial ritual pistol because I'm such a happy person, lol), and the easiest way looks like using a "dismember" actor script as a crit death effect. Have a look at the "bloodymessnearbyeffect" which triggers automatic bloody mess effect on nearby enemies - the effect itself is just actorID.Dismember(torso, true, true, true).




It's a bit late for me to have a go at it tonight, but I'm thinking to duplicate the CritLaserEffect (there are conditions for excluding certain actors, as well as flags in this record, and those maybe something to keep), and instead of the scripts used in this record, maybe I could use my own simple OnEffectStart -> dismember/explode script in it. This crit death effect can be attached to any weapons using OMOD (plCritEffect) or weapon itself.


I'm not sure about the frequency at which the crit effect triggers, though.


If you get anywhere with it, please let me know. I'm going to try it myself tomorrow. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

the rotton core, I don't know if you figured this out already, but it turned out that there's an enchantment ready to go in CK. It's called "ExplodeOnContactEnch" - you can duplicate this and simply change the magnitude for your purpose (default is 100 as it is used by Liberty Prime). Just tested this enchantment directly on a baton, and enemy went splat left and right, lol.


I've ended up using another effect for my gun (bloody mess wasn't as evil looking as I'd hoped), but there ya go. :-)

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