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Nullify Weakness to Sunlight as a Vampire?


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Hey, had this account for a while but I never used it until now. So, I suppose this is my first outing. Hi!


I am aware, yes, that this kind of mod would be very un-lore friendly, but it doesn't have to be a mod that outright gets rid of the weakness to sunlight (which I admit would be good though)


It could be a mod that adds a necklace or ring that gives 100% Magicka, Health and Stamina regen but only at night, 50% if you still feel the need for some sort of noticeable penalty.


I tried using the Creation Kit, but I honestly couldn't figure the thing out at all. Maybe I'll look up a tutorial for it later today, but right now, I'll settle with making a request. It doesn't sound like it'd be too impossible to do, after all.


Kindest Regards,

A Disgruntled Vampire Lord

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