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Auriel's crossbow


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I absolutely love the auriel's bow.. dispite being a vampire in skyrim i love its sun shower ability and ofc sun block abiliy.


I'd like to request a crossbow version of auriel's bow introduced in the dawngaurd expansion, with the same abilities and same style as the auriel's bow. Make you able to create sunhallowed bolts and bloodcursed bolts the same way as you normally would make arrows(this is optional if its easier to make them craftable in the forge then go ahead), wich would have the same effect as they would have been fired from auriel's bow. (sun shower and sun block)

also would appreciate it if the sunhallowed bolts would keep their sun animation when hit and perhaps make a darkness/bloody animation for the bloodcursed bolts..?


the damage of the auriel's bow was quite low.. so i'd also like to request to make the crossbow have the damage as the daedric bow.


thanks in advance, flare0

Edited by flare0
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  • 2 months later...

I'd like to second this request.


The design is excellent, and while a little on the 'out there' side for Israns more pragmatic dawnguard, as an ancient relic, it still works.


For my part, I'd like to see an "Auriel's Crossbow" mod too.


In universe, the weapon could possibly be a replica, combining the pragmatism of the reinvented Dawnguard and *spoiler alert* the magic of the Snow Elves/Auriel.


One thing that came to mind the instant I saw the bow design: if done similarly to this mod, with 4 arms and the like, it would make a good, high end, counterpart to a much more intimidating crossbow mod.


Of course the sunburst and bloodcurse effect being available to this weapon would be nice - balance wise it might be suitable for the crossbow to have comparably higher damage than the original bow, but not to rediculous extremes, seeing as it would still effectively allow you to have your own killsat in open areas.

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