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Tree lod's


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As seen in the pictures i want to make the tree's lod distance or mesh distance longer so they look like real trees. I hate walking up X distance before my trees look real. I understand this lod in far distances but this isn't far.


I have the following:


















Im confused as to what the split distance commands does and what "meshlodfadeboundDefault" does as well. I tried low and high values. I dont believe this is a ugrids problem as i play with 7. I would think that is enough.

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Pimpsmack, hi, for what its worth, here are my current skyrimprefs.ini settings which look to be

mostly game default values running a very high display setting, a lot of your settings look waaay off to me.

suspect something took a swipe at your skyrimprefs.ini numbers and messed things up..

skyrimprefs.ini (for convenience, pasted your settings in parenthesis for comparison):



fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2000 - (1.200)

fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=256.0000 - (17499998.0000)

fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=2048.0000 - (17399998.0000)

fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=2844.0000 - (17399998.0000)

fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=3072.0000 - (17500000.0000)

fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=4096.0000 - (17499998.2500)

fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=5000.0000 - (17499998.2500)



fTreeLoadDistance=12500.0000 - (17499998.0000)

fBlockMaximumDistance=75000.0000 - (250000.0000)

fBlockLevel1Distance=25000.0000 - (125000.0000)

fBlockLevel0Distance=15000.0000 - (62500.000)

fSplitDistanceMult=0.4000 - (1.2000)


i've left skyrim.ini [General] UGridsToLoad= <untouched> (no entry) so the game default is odd number 5 i believe.

(since you changed ugrids to 7, your savegames are probably locked into that higher setting).

bumped up: uExterior Cell Buffer=36 (some people use 64).

I'm running a few mods that remove ambient environmental interior+exterior fog/haze/mist/smoke/etc so

things look clear and sharp; also, dialed down or disabled self-shadowing rendering effects on trees+grass.

you can read about a few of these settings here:


anyway, hope all this info helps.

Edited by xlcr
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Pimpsmack, hi, for what its worth, here are my current skyrimprefs.ini settings which look to be

mostly game default values running a very high display setting, a lot of your settings look waaay off to me.

suspect something took a swipe at your skyrimprefs.ini numbers and messed things up..

skyrimprefs.ini (for convenience, pasted your settings in parenthesis for comparison):



fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2000 - (1.200)

fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=256.0000 - (17499998.0000)

fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=2048.0000 - (17399998.0000)

fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=2844.0000 - (17399998.0000)

fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=3072.0000 - (17500000.0000)

fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=4096.0000 - (17499998.2500)

fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=5000.0000 - (17499998.2500)



fTreeLoadDistance=12500.0000 - (17499998.0000)

fBlockMaximumDistance=75000.0000 - (250000.0000)

fBlockLevel1Distance=25000.0000 - (125000.0000)

fBlockLevel0Distance=15000.0000 - (62500.000)

fSplitDistanceMult=0.4000 - (1.2000)


i've left skyrim.ini [General] UGridsToLoad= <untouched> (no entry) so the game default is odd number 5 i believe.

(since you changed ugrids to 7, your savegames are probably locked into that higher setting).

bumped up: uExterior Cell Buffer=36 (some people use 64).

I'm running a few mods that remove ambient environmental interior+exterior fog/haze/mist/smoke/etc so

things look clear and sharp; also, dialed down or disabled self-shadowing rendering effects on trees+grass.

you can read about a few of these settings here:


anyway, hope all this info helps.


Thanks a lot man. I will try these. I have ugrids to 9 and i can't see a difference and run ~10fps less than i was. I like things to be sharp but also realistic and want to do away with this lod "problem"

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Pimpsmack, just a quick thought, i have a feeling you're running somekind of ENB or other

rendering effects mods that are messing up your game; also,

as far as i know, normally UGridsToLoad should not be adjusted beyond a value of 7, doing so is

known to cause possible stability issues during gameplay.

Sometimes UGridsToLoad is only temporarily set to a high value (beyond 7) to make skyrim render

distant objects better just for quality screenshot purposes.

Game default is 5, you've currently got the game loading 9 grid sections where ever you characters moves,

is your gameplay and fps still stable at 9? you must have a very nice gaming rig GPU.


at UGridsToLoad=9, i think you should've adjusted your uExterior Cell Buffer (skyrim.ini) also.

the usual formula is (uGridsToLoad+1)^2squared; so, 9+1=10, 10^2=100, so maybe 96 or 104 (8 multiple) or higher..

whatever you originally did to cause your skyrimprefs settings to reset to wacky high values like that

i would try to undo if possible lol.


screenshots look like there's too much haze, softening/cinematics, washed out detail, high gamma, weird post-processing

or something, looks kinda bad to me - not sure adjusting LOD settings higher/unlimited is really the answer to

improve your blurry rendering quality issue.


anyway, what ENB or other rendering effects mods did you install?

what HD texture mods do you have and are they installed correctly?

textures (dds files) have mipmaps that reduce detail depending on viewing distance.

do you have a tree/flora mod installed?


you may want to experiment with this mod (i've used it for about 6-months with no issue):

Revamped Exterior Fog by Greg Manthey,gargorias - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9930

Edited by xlcr
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