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[LE] What is wrong with my script ? :) [8]

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This time something small :D lel


this script should play magic effect on player and damage player




here is script



Scriptname QLG_Script_FireDamage extends Actor
{ Simple script to play fire effect and burn player if enter trigger } 

Import VisualEffect

	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
	{ Player Ref. }
	VisualEffect Property QMagic Auto
	{ Magic Effect to play on Player }
	int Property QDMG Auto	; fire damage
	int Property QDEL Auto	; fire damage delay

Event OnTrigger( ObjectReference QRef )
	If( QRef == QPlayer )
		QPlayer.DamageAV( "Health" , QDMG )
		QMagic.Play(QPlayer, ( QDEL + 1.8 ) )
		Utility.Wait( QDEL )





anything to fix, do better ?

im not even sure it will work cause i can't test it now xD


but its compiling fine :D

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I didn't compile it, but i've used so many times this kind of scripts that should be working just fine.



Actor Property PlayerREF Auto 

EffectShader Property VisualFX01  Auto  
{Visual FX to Play when Enter Trigger on SELF}
keyword property DB10MagicHeavyFire auto
explosion property DB10TrapFireTriggerExplosion01 auto
float property timeBeforeApply = 30.0 auto
{Time that the Trigger will apply the damage after Trigger Enter. DEFAULT = 30.0}
event onTrigger(objectReference triggerRef)
          if triggerRef as actor && !(triggerRef as actor).isDead()
             if !(triggerRef as actor).HasMagicEffectWithKeyword(DB10MagicHeavyFire)
                ;  debug.Trace(self + " has applied gas to " + triggerRef)
                 PlayerREF.DamageActorValue("Health", 100.0)





Don't forget to set this in the Script's properties.

Keyword = DB10MagicHeavyFire
Explosion = DB10TrapFireTriggerExplosion01
You might not need:
PlayerREF.DamageActorValue("Health", 100.0)
Because the MagicHeavyFire & TrapFire do quite some damage
And the:
Because the FireTriggerExplosion does a nice FX, but that is up to you.
* The VisualEffects are use for Camera Attach Particles and the EffectShaders for FX to the actor (around the actor's body).
Edited by maxarturo
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