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Obama FTW


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Shut up, dolt. Is anyone else watching this crap?: the debate.


"We cannot allow a second holocaust" I wish I could spit in his face. There is a second holocaust going on and a third and fourth. Palestinians being bulldozed with american money and equipment, the sudan, rwanda.


I got some reality for ya: if your neighbors hate you, and want to kill you, you should probably move.


If it wasn't for us throwing Israel billions of dollars a year just so that they can stay in a place they do not belong, and never should have been in the first place, they would already be gone.


Read some History.

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obama is going to doom us all ww3 is coming soon to probly so were all doomed D:


Huh. I never knew that avoiding a war could start one between all the major nations. I also didn't know that staying in war with a country could prevent it.


Seriously, there is no way that electing one person to office is gonna destroy the world. Nothing works that way.


I've seen a lot of these same things said about Bush and Gore. And look just where we are now. We didn't benefit at all.


We are not doomed. Where do you people get these ideas?

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if a terroist got in office america is doomed they even made a movie about that xD


This is not a movie. And Obama is not a terrorist. Good God. If you're gonna make stupid accusations like that, at least provide some damned evidence.


That comment was as bad as the guys comment who called him an Anti-christ.

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if a terroist got in office america is doomed

When I get done slapping McCain I'll come slap some sense into you.


We're "safer now than the day after 9/11" my ass. The war has bred much more hatred than there was before. And sadly, the hatred is justified.



Again, learn some history, please. Then you can debate sensibly instead of relying on ridiculous and unfounded propaganda.

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he keeps lieing and denieing he is muslim when he is but you no what who gives a crap any more this election poo it is turning into a joke its like a game they both lie so much ill rather keep bush then these 2 jokes


I think you should start watching C-Span, and get your facts straight.

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