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More Civil War Treason Options


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I was thinking about the civil war and how you can return the crown to the opposite side to switch, but that is very early game, only the second quest. I was thinking of a mod that would allow one to switch sides, possibly by completing a radiant quest for one side.


Another idea I had involves Thaneship. Let's say you're a Stormcloak, but you want to become Thane of Haafingar. You complete the quests, Falk and Elisif now know you're trustworthy, but you must denounce Ulfric to be granted residence in the city. This wouldn't enlist you in the Legion, just remove you from the Stormcloaks (would work vice versa). This could be done anytime after the Jagged Crown. I think this could work, and it would provide another way to switch sides if you feel the need too.


Basically, I was disappointed when there was not another chance to change sides, because I became displeased with my side after Season Unending.

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