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Suit mods


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I am coming to a close with Fallout 3. I've pretty much done everything tangential, leaving only the main quest line. So....onto New Vegas! I have a character all built and everything. But there's a specific problem I need top resolve to have full immersion: the suits. Now, my character is going to be a light/no armor character who wears the armored suit. Problem is....the look:


See, this is how it will look:



My character has two very big problems with this. The first might be resolvable with a Tailor-Made version of Fallout New Vegas: those shoes are not the things you want to wear into combat, nor around the wasteland. If there is a modular boot thing like in Tailor Maid, it's not an issue.


The second is the tie. Now, I don't like the tie design as is, but it enrages my character. You see, if she's going to have to wear a tie with her suit, it's not her preference, but that's fine. However, a tie is supposed to look like THIS:



not the loose style. A loose tie like that is crass and slovenly in way that only is appropriate to (and I'm quoting her here): Rodney Dangerfield and cretins who clearly show that they are fit only for working on a factory floor. Yeah, that's harsh. So...I at least need to make a adjustment, certainly to her suit and probably the business suits generally. This is one of her psycho buttons. There is no compromise with her on this.

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If there is no mod to make this needed change (and I can't believe there would be no clothing mod with a nonsexual, sensible skirt suit sans tie) and no one is willing to make one, then *I* have to make one myself. In that case, someone needs to explain to me how to make such a modification, and I don't have the first clue where to start. Please, will someone teach me how to do this?
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There really is not much of a market for suits in general, not something most people would consider to wear into battle I suppose.

You could try this its more sensible to me: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45747


Or tutorial for your own armor:


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This is actually useful. Theresa doesn't like the pantsuit concept but...it might be practical. In any case, if I can manipulate the meshes, I can take the tops and put them with the vanilla bottoms. That will work nicely. But I do know designing meshes is above my pay grade any time soon, so....are there more practical women's dress shoes from any mod that are more practical, and still appropriate, with a woman's suit? I mean....a tailor maid pair of mercenary boots would work just fine, just take them off when in town (I'm that kind of a roleplayer).


But there are no tie fixes? I mean, are there any obstacle to taking the scientist tie knot, and meshing it over the grimy business suit for and then retexturing it for a seamless match? Cause honestly, I want to do that. Plus....every Fallout game I hone it straight on the power armor, and New Vegas is the first game where light to no armor is remotely a responsible idea and I REALLY want to try it out.

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