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Moonpath to Elsweyr, not being able to initiate quest


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So I finally get this mod to work and I go to Dead Man Drink Inn to talk to Ku'rana or the other person to initiate the quest but every time I try to talk to them, they won't even speak. I updated it to its current update (9.5) yet its still giving me this problem. Is there a way to fix this orrr...?
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  • 3 weeks later...
You should get the quest when you load up the game. Perhaps try making sure you've got it activated in your data files properly and move it to either the top or bottom of your load order. I think I had mine 4th (After the vanilla Skyrim stuff) and it worked fine with about... 14 other mods?
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You should get the quest when you load up the game. Perhaps try making sure you've got it activated in your data files properly and move it to either the top or bottom of your load order. I think I had mine 4th (After the vanilla Skyrim stuff) and it worked fine with about... 14 other mods?


I thought that's what should just happen, but it's not. I have it second in my priorities right behind my update. Who am I supposed to talk to in Dead Mans Drink?

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  • 3 months later...

What worked for me in this mod and some others:

To anyone having trouble speaking to Verina in the beginning. Save the game somewhere in the tavern where she's sitting. Restart Skyrim. She talked to me right away then. Sweet voice too. Lots of us are suffering this weird voice issue. Not the modder's fault, Beth changed something.

Edited by Ahondara
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  • 8 months later...

What worked for me in this mod and some others:

To anyone having trouble speaking to Verina in the beginning. Save the game somewhere in the tavern where she's sitting. Restart Skyrim. She talked to me right away then. Sweet voice too. Lots of us are suffering this weird voice issue. Not the modder's fault, Beth changed something.

Thanks, worked for me too! Just had to restart game while saved in the Dead Man's Inn.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Putting moonpath_questdata.esp lower in the load order solved this problem for me. I'm using ELFX which has a special .esp for Moonpath. I moved moonpath_questdata.esp below it and it worked fine. This is not how BOSS sorts it by default so you'll have to go and lower it manually if you run BOSS again.

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